
Houston’s Alkek Velodrome restocks its bike fleet thanks to donations

Houston’s Alkek Velodrome restocks its bike fleet thanks to donations

Alkek Velodrome Program Director Stuart Gardner said the velodrome received five or six bikes through donations and another five bikes from the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome in Redmond, Washington.

Gardner added that the velodrome has also received financial donations that have allowed it to improve safety on the track.

“We’re in a good place again now,” Gardner said. “The cost to us turned out to be very minimal, and that includes the security upgrades and everything else.”

The Alkek Velodrome, built in 1986, is located in Cullen Park and is the only velodrome in the state of Texas.

On April 5, the velodrome found 15 stolen bicycles in a garage. Many of the stolen bikes were size 56 bikes. Only one of that size remained. Rental bikes are available for people who want to try track cycling or for those who cannot afford an expensive bike.

Gardner said security improvements include a new camera, new alarm system and stronger locking mechanisms for the velodrome’s storage containers.

“Many of the people who donated to us have used the velodrome in the past and still remember the positive impact it had on them,” Gardner said. “It’s nice to know that riders who don’t necessarily ride anymore still enjoy what they got from us. It’s nice to see that people also believe in what we’re doing.”