
Buffalo Grove Honors Original Bagel & Bialy’s 13 Years of Community Service

Buffalo Grove Honors Original Bagel & Bialy’s 13 Years of Community Service

Lon Gitler, owner of Original Bagel & Bialy, listens Monday as Buffalo Grove Village President Eric Smith reads a proclamation marking the 13th anniversary of the business at 105 McHenry Road.
Steve Zalusky/[email protected]

Lon Gitler serves more than lox and bagels, kosher bologna, potato latkes and matzo ball soup.

For 13 years, the owner of Original Bagel & Bialy at 105 McHenry Road has been serving the Buffalo Grove community.

This week, the Buffalo Grove Village Council honored Gitler’s contributions as his business celebrated its 13th anniversary on May 2. Village President Eric Smith read a proclamation expressing the community’s gratitude.

Original Bagel & Bialy has sponsored several Buffalo Grove Park District events, including concerts in the park and senior receptions. He has also donated breakfasts to local teachers, the BG Expressions group, Stevenson High School’s Hackathon event and Best Buddies’ Clubs.

The store even periodically donates its tickets to Buffalo Grove police and firefighters as well as the village’s quarterly blood drives.

Gitler accepted the proclamation and, in a typical gesture, brought a treat to those present at Monday’s board meeting.

“We have a lot of community support,” said Gitler, who lives in Buffalo Grove. “We give back and appreciate great customer support. This is my home and my workplace.

That customer support comes from customers like Mundelein resident Barbara Mosberg, who has been visiting Original Bagel & Bialy since it opened. Among her favorites are salads, soups and omelets.

“My husband loves bagels,” she added.

Gitler is another reason she keeps coming back, with “the personal touch, the good food, the consistency.”