
Houston Fire Department recommends safety tips for Memorial Day weekend activities | Community

Houston Fire Department recommends safety tips for Memorial Day weekend activities |  Community

As we remember those who have died serving our nation, this Memorial Day weekend, Houston firefighters are urging citizens to follow a few simple safety tips.

BBQ Safety Tips

◾ Portable barbecue grills, charcoal grills and other open flame cooking appliances outside a building shall not be used on combustible balconies or located within 10 feet of combustible walls or roofs or other combustible materials.

◾ When lighting barbecue charcoal, citizens must use a charcoal lighter and not gasoline. Gasoline may spurt violently into and around the pit, causing serious injury to anyone in the area of ​​the flash. A fire extinguisher or charged garden hose should be on hand while the fire is burning. Check the pit frequently to make sure it is okay.

◾ Hot ashes and coals from barbecues and charcoal burners should be placed in a non-combustible container until cooled or completely saturated with water, before being disposed of.

Pool and water safety

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◾ Active, focused adult supervision is the most important safety measure to prevent a water-related tragedy involving a child. The vast majority of children who drown in swimming pools do so in the garden of their own home or at the home of relatives.

◾ Never leave a child alone near water, always supervise your children around swimming pools

◾ Enroll children over 3 years old in swimming lessons taught by qualified instructors. However, swimming lessons do not make your child “drowning-proof.” Remember that flotation devices are not a substitute for supervision.

◾ Use approved flotation devices

◾ If your apartment has a swimming pool, inspect the fence and gate. If the gate does not lock or you notice other defects on the fence, report this immediately to the apartment management.

◾ Bring a cell phone to the pool in case of emergency

◾ Standing water is the #1 cause of slips and falls around a pool. NO RACING on the pool terrace!

◾ Always have a first aid kit and emergency contacts on hand

◾ Watch for dangerous “TOOs”: too tired, too cold, too far from safety, too much sun, too much intense activity.

◾ Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts. If lightning and thunder are nearby, go outside until the storm has passed.

Teach children these safety tips:

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◾ Always swim with a buddy

◾ Do not dive into unfamiliar bodies of water. Jump feet first to avoid hitting your head on the shallow bottom.

◾ Do not push or jump on others in or around water.

◾ Swim in supervised areas only

◾ Obey all rules and posted signs

HFD also recommends that parents and guardians learn CPR. Seconds count if a person is drowning, and performing CPR quickly and correctly can save their life. For more information on local CPR classes, please contact the American Red Cross, your local hospitals or medical schools.

Additional safety tips can be found on the HFD website at