
More like late July than late May in Houston for Memorial Day.

More like late July than late May in Houston for Memorial Day.

More like late July than late May in Houston for Memorial Day weekend. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

May 24, 2024 at 6:48 am by Matt Lanza.

In short:
*Summer is here and during Memorial Day you will find little to no relief in the area.
*From here, weather conditions could get a little more unsettled next week, but nothing is emerging that we can hang on to just yet.

Hurricane season: πŸŒ€

*I know no one wants to talk about hurricane season after last week, but NOAA’s extremely active seasonal forecast released yesterday should remind us to plan for the season ahead.
*We talked about their forecasts and the current state of the tropics yesterday on our companion site, The Eyewall. (Link below)

*We will update this site every day or two, depending on the weather.

More like late July than late May in Houston for Memorial Day.

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*Yesterday’s minimum temperature at Hobby Airport was 80 degrees, already the third time we have failed to get below that mark this year.
*We are already tied for the earliest first 80 degree morning recorded at Hobby this year on May 21, tying the previous record set in 2022.
*We are about a month and a half ahead of normal, whatever β€œnormal” is.
*Today will be the seventh morning that the low temperature does not fall below 78 degrees, setting a new record in Hobby for most before June 1st.
*We should add at least three or four more days to this before we get a tiny bit of relief next week, just before the calendar change.
*For those suffering from persistent poor air quality due to haze and smoke from agricultural fires in Central America and Mexico, I don’t think we’ll see much relief this weekend. However, I hope that the wind will change next week.

*Anyway, I write all this to say that this is not a normal start to summer. It hits hard and fast.
*Don’t be shocked to see a heat advisory this weekend.
*Practice thermal safety this weekend.
*Yeah, it’s Houston and it’s always hot in the summer. But we’re not yet acclimated to these temperatures for the season, so heat illnesses can strike quickly and unexpectedly.
*Some of us are still cleaning from last week or are even still without electricity.
*Check these people, keep your pets cool and look before you lock up.

Today until Sunday:

*The first part of the holiday weekend promises to be partly sunny and warm.
*Expect highs in the mid-90s and lows near 80, or essentially normal weather conditions for late July, not late May.

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*I wouldn’t be entirely stunned to see an isolated thunderstorm pass through areas north of Houston, perhaps as close as The Woodlands or Magnolia.
*Most people won’t see one, but if you do, it could rain heavily for a short time, with lightning, gusty winds, or even hail.
*Again, it’s more likely to be isolated and north of Highway 105, but possibly as close as Montgomery or northern Harris County.

Remembrance Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

*This should be the hottest day in the sequence.
*Expect mid 90s and a mix of sun and clouds with just a slight chance of late showers or storminess to the north and west.

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*The heat on Sunday and Monday will border on “extreme” levels, so maximum heat precautions should be taken here.

Rest of next week

*Things start to change a little next week.
*Temperatures will change to become a little “less warm”, meaning closer to the 90s than the mid 90s.
*Overnight lows could rise further into the mid 70s.
*A series of disturbances could attempt to erode the northeast portion of the high pressure ridge over Texas, which could be enough to revive a few storms after Monday.
*I don’t even want to begin to speculate on the timing, details, or any of this. Just know that this weekend’s stagnant trend might change a bit next week.