
Atlanta Helicopter Mom Disrupts Son’s School Awards Ceremony.

Atlanta Helicopter Mom Disrupts Son’s School Awards Ceremony.

If mom isn’t happy, no one is happy.

An Atlanta helicopter mom proved the adage true Tuesday by bursting into expletives at an elementary school awards ceremony after her son was snubbed despite his academic achievements.

“Her report card says otherwise,” spat the indignant mama bear as the school principal tried to tame her outburst. “Get that shit out!”

Footage of the stunning feat sparked viral wildfire, garnering more than 6 million views on TikTok.

“You’re going to isolate these fucking mothers,” barked the anonymous woman, whose son is believed to be in first grade.

An anonymous Atlanta mother went viral after causing a scene at her son’s elementary school when the first grader didn’t receive an academic award. TikTok / @@just.netris

Stunned parents and children were seen sitting silently in the auditorium, watching in horror.

“Let’s go!” » the mother shouted to her little one as they stormed out of the ceremony.

Shocked onlookers on social media sympathized with the woman’s son, leaving comments such as: “I can’t imagine how humiliating that must have been for that child” and “He probably felt embarrassed.”

And unfortunately, moms and dads who parent with extreme intensity, strict rules, and short fuses tend to impose a lot of psychological damage on their little ones.

Children of authoritarian helicopter parents are likely to suffer from mental health problems, according to a recent study. Serhii –

An Ohio State University study released earlier this month found that harsh parenting leads to a higher risk of mental, behavioral and emotional health problems in children.

“We have high expectations of ourselves as parents; we have high expectations for what our children should do,” said Kate Gawlik, lead author of the study.

“Then, on the other hand, you compare yourself to other people, to other families, and there’s a lot of judgment to be made.”

“And whether it’s intentional or not,” she added, “it’s still there.”

Researchers warn overachieving parents against resorting to “harsh” tactics to push their children toward greatness. TikTok / @@just.netris

Amy Chua, a self-proclaimed “tiger mom” who demanded perfection from her daughters as children, shared these sentiments.

The author recently revealed his remorse for openly “losing” his temper when the girls, now both young adults, failed to meet his incredibly high standards.

“I always believe that achieving excellence can bring many benefits, and I am happy to have instilled a sense of courage in my children,” said the reformed helicopter parent.

“But the things I regret the most are the harsh things I said to them and losing my temper.”