
Group attacks gun manufacturers following WNY violence

Group attacks gun manufacturers following WNY violence

Combatting gun violence statewide. That’s the call from advocates at a rally Tuesday at the state Capitol. This comes as officials in Western New York continue to investigate a violent weekend.

Six people were shot and killed in Rochester over the weekend. Six teenagers were shot in Buffalo at a party and a 14-year-old girl died. And on Tuesday morning, a man was shot and killed outside a Buffalo bar.

During an annual day of advocacy at the state Capitol, some sought to strengthen New York’s existing law by supporting a new policy they say aims to hold gun manufacturers more accountable.

“Glock, we’re coming for you,” said Congresswoman Michaelle Solages.

State lawmakers rallied behind members of Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action. The group attacks gun manufacturers, including Glock, who they say make guns susceptible to illegal modification.

State Senator Zellnor Myrie said, “They put their profits on the lives of our people every day. »

“Right now, it only takes $25 to get a piece of plastic and a screwdriver that effectively turns these handguns into machine guns,” said Angela Ferrell-Zabala, executive director of Moms Demand Action.

It is commonly referred to as a “Glock switch”, or simply “switch”, a plastic part that allows a 30-round magazine to be discharged in less than three seconds from what is otherwise a traditional semi-automatic firearm, capable of firing a single shot. bullet every time the trigger is pulled.

A few years ago, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent Sean Martineck demonstrated a “Glock switch” to Spectrum News 1This is Wendy Wright.

“What we see is bullets flying in every neighborhood and in houses,” he said. “It’s not a good combination.”

An upcoming proposal from Solages and Myrie would ban the sale of semi-automatic pistols that can be modified in this way.

“If you can’t repair your product to keep our communities safe, then you can’t do business in New York State,” Myrie said.

Armed with stories about the impact gun violence has had on their lives, advocates hope to convince lawmakers to sign.

“There are mothers like me who are broken, who never have their children again,” said Yanely Henriquez, who lost her young daughter in 2022 in a random act of gun violence. “We need to come together as a village to ensure these companies are held accountable. »

Spectrum News 1 contacted Glock, the manufacturer with whom these advocates took issue, to see if it had anything to say about the proposal. There was no response.