
Another chance to see the Northern Lights in Western New York this weekend

Another chance to see the Northern Lights in Western New York this weekend

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — Although it’s not as prolific as the other weekend, it’s possible you’ll see the Northern Lights this weekend, provided weather conditions are favorable. The active region of the sun continues to emit solar flares, causing the potential for aurora borealis.

According to the Space Weather Prediction Center, we are currently in the midst of a “level G2” geomagnetic storm, considered moderate on the scale that classifies storm strength. Its intensity often varies between lower levels and moderate storm conditions over the course of a few hours during the event’s duration.

Geomagnetic storms occur when a surge of energy and particles from the sun – often caused by intense flares on the sun’s surface – temporarily disrupts Earth’s protective magnetic bubble. NOAA ranks storm strength on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the most extreme and rare.

So how can you best observe the Northern Lights?

The lights are most active between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. To get the best views of the Northern Lights, stay away from city lights and other light pollution, monitor the weather forecast for optimal viewing conditions (it should be clear or at least partly cloudy). ), and find yourself in a privileged position like on top of a hill or in a dark countryside sky. The shore of Lake Ontario is an excellent example of a prime location with good visibility facing north.

Happy aurora watching!