
3 biggest X-Factors for the Atlanta Falcons in 2024

3 biggest X-Factors for the Atlanta Falcons in 2024

The Atlanta Falcons need to find an outside pass rusher somewhere and when you look at their depth chart, it has to be third-year player Arnold Ebiketie somewhere.

Ebiketie will count on Raheem Morris and Jimmy Lake. When you combine talent, expectations and experience, Ebiketie comes in first place.

While the Falcons have an intriguing option in rookie Bralen Trice, passer is a notoriously difficult position for rookies. Beyond that, you have Lorenzo Carter who is a rotation piece and Ade Ogundeji who is coming off a bad season in 2022 and an injury-robbed season in 2023.

Arnold Ebiketie needs to step up for this Falcons defense.