
Bison midges become pests themselves

Bison midges become pests themselves

If you’ve spent a lot of time outside recently, you may have battled swarms of flying insects. Bison midges, also known as black flies, often appear this time of year and can stay for several weeks. They have been very active this spring.

According to the Illinois Department of Agriculture, females bite because they feed on blood to produce their eggs. Stings can cause itching, bleeding and swelling as well as allergic reactions that can be life-threatening.

Flies are attracted to carbon dioxide exhaled by people and animals, as well as perspiration, scents, and dark, moving objects. They are most active just after sunrise and before sunset on calm days.

There’s not much you can do to avoid them. But experts offer some advice.

*Consider wearing long-sleeved shirts, long pants and a hat with a net.

*Large fans can also help deter flies.

*Suggested “home remedy” repellents, such as vanilla extract, have not been scientifically proven to be effective. Repellents containing DEET that deter mosquitoes are much less effective at repelling black flies and have even been reported to attract flies.