
Biden writes letter to Buffalo on anniversary of shooting

Biden writes letter to Buffalo on anniversary of shooting

Buffalo, New York (WBEN) – President Biden wrote a letter to the city of Buffalo on Tuesday, saying he continues to mourn the victims of the May 14, 2022 Tops shooting.

In the letter, President Biden touted his administration’s efforts to combat gun violence, including the bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

“I know we still have much work to do, but I am optimistic about our ability to prevent future senseless acts of gun violence like the one that struck the soul of your community,” the president wrote.

“God bless the precious lives we lost and those who were injured. God bless the families and first responders. And God bless each and every one of you,” the letter concludes.

President Biden’s full letter can be read below:

Letter from Biden

Photo credit President Joe Biden

Featured image photo credit: Seth Harrison/The Journal News / USA TODAY NETWORK