
NOTICE: Letter to the editor | Notice

NOTICE: Letter to the editor |  Notice

Please note: Letters to the editor are published at the discretion of the editor, with minimal editing for clarity and length where necessary. They are not verified and reflect the opinion of the author only. They may or may not appear in the print edition of The Leader, as space permits, with priority given to local issues and reactions. Submissions must be signed and will be published with the author’s name. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted. Please send your letter to [email protected].

Mr Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern as a parent of a student in the HISD community. Last week, much to our surprise and dismay, Dr. Vale, the esteemed principal of Crockett Elementary School, was abruptly fired without any discernible justification. This decision directly contradicts assurances made by the district, causing considerable distress among parents, students and faculty.

Under the exceptional leadership of Dr. Vale, Crockett Elementary School flourished in a nurturing environment where my kindergartner thrived. However, the recent announcement that Crockett will be absorbed into Mike Miles’ NES school network is alarming. It is clear that this change in leadership is part of a larger agenda, one that undermines the very essence of what makes our school exceptional.

RELATED VIDEO: Video of as a parent asked HISD’s Ina Meyers about the future of Crockett Elementary Principal Dr. Alexis Clark Vale during a fall 2023 community meeting, during which Meyers confirmed that Dr. Vale would remain at the school. Dr. Vale was fired last week.

Additionally, the removal of our esteemed librarian, who was rightly honored as Librarian of the Year, is a discouraging blow to our school community. Additionally, there is growing concern that the valuable performing arts Magnet program, which has brought Crockett statewide recognition, is in jeopardy.

As parents, we refuse to remain silent witnesses to the erosion of our public education system. We demand transparency, accountability and, above all, a commitment to putting the needs of our children first. Unilateral decisions made by unelected officials, like Mike Miles and the current board of directors, undermine the principles of democracy and parental involvement.

I implore your publication to shed light on these troubling developments and amplify the voices of concerned parents within our community. It is imperative that our collective concerns are heard and action taken to preserve the integrity of our public schools.

Haley Robinson

Concerned Parent, Crockett Elementary