
Two homes planned for Main/Woodbridge

Two homes planned for Main/Woodbridge

The site of a proposed apartment building on the northwest corner of Main Street and Woodbridge Avenue is now targeted for two single-family homes. Owner Nick Giambra is seeking to divide the parcel into two lots facing Woodbridge Avenue. The plan change comes after pushback from the Central Park Homeowners Association and to comply with deed restrictions on the site that only allow single-family homes.

In 2021, Giambra proposed a three-story, 12-unit apartment building (above) for the site and immediately faced opposition from neighboring residents. The Homeowners Association agrees with the new plan, according to a letter from their attorney Harter Secrest & Emery LLP:

I am writing on behalf of the Central Park Homeowners Association (“CPHA”) to express CPHA’s support for the construction of two single-family homes on two equal-sized lots facing Woodbridge Avenue in the CPHA neighborhood . As I stated in my letter dated October 15, 2021 (copy attached), my client is opposed to the construction of anything other than single-family homes and specifically a multi-unit apartment complex. A multi-unit building would not only be inconsistent with the residential quality and character of the neighborhood, but would also violate the restrictions of the Central Park Deed. So, to be clear, if you move forward with multifamily development projects, whether through a site plan application, acreage variance application or otherwise, CPHA will vigorously oppose your plans..

The new plots will measure 75′ x 100′ and 110′ x 100′. A Zoning Board of Appeals variance is required due to the fact that the largest parcel along Main Street is wider than 75′.