
Thieves attack shop owner of Smile Market in San Jose’s Japantown

Thieves attack shop owner of Smile Market in San Jose’s Japantown

SAN JOSE, Calif. (KRON) – The owners of a family-run grocery store in San Jose were ambushed by thieves stealing beer. The two sisters who were attacked are now seeking justice.

It happened last week at the Smile Market on North 4th Street in San Jose’s Japantown. The thieves were trying to steal a can of beer when one of the sisters tried to stop them. Both suspects punched her and pushed her to the ground.

“We are lucky that nothing happened to us,” said Phoung Ton.

Ton says she had just arrived at the store when she saw her sister being attacked. The two sisters tried to stop the thieves… but were hit.

“No, we didn’t try to fight them, but they hurt us. I went to the hospital,” Ton said.

Physically both sisters are fine, but after 16 years at the store they are emotionally scarred. They say nothing like this has ever happened before.

San Jose police said the suspects were gone when officers arrived. A detective has been assigned to the case and the investigation is ongoing.

Phoung and her sister are grateful for their loyal customers, and until the thieves are caught, their faces will be plastered on the store walls for all to see.