
Where to Make Friends When You’re Lonely in Atlanta – Atlanta

Where to Make Friends When You’re Lonely in Atlanta – Atlanta

Even in a city of over 6 million people, Atlanta can sometimes feel like it’s living in a kind of Walking Dead-esque isolation. Long hours of loneliness in traffic, lots of cranky “Hollywood of the South” types, and those potholes on Cascade that seem big enough to swallow up your sense of community. It can all make you feel a little lonely. Luckily, some Atlanta restaurants are great places to meet cool new people who aren’t trying to rope you into a real estate scheme.


Photo credit: Amy Sinclair

Sure, money can’t buy happiness. But $315 will get you a seat at this eight-seat West Midtown omakase counter that’s about to debunk that theory. Despite Hayakawa’s elegant, ingredient-driven dishes and minimalist interior, the fine-dining restaurant always feels warm, thanks to a chef who cracks jokes and anecdotes about his Hokkaido hometown while you munch on prime nigiri meat. Don’t be surprised if the evening ends with an Instagram follow from the chef and an invitation to connect with him on social media for food or travel recommendations in Japan.

Photo credit: Cameren Rogers

Walking into a crowded place where no one knows your name can seem lonely at first. But walk past the clans at the front tables and head straight to the giant oval bar at this Buckhead Italian restaurant. From lunch to dinner, the bar is always packed with solo diners, Buckhead business groups, and scene-hunters who want to be in the thick of the action. Chatter is Yeppa’s usual soundtrack, so feel free to strike up a conversation with the bartender or a barmate while you enjoy some great pasta dishes. Plus, after a few glasses of wine (there are half-off bottles on Tuesdays), the crowd tends to get chattier, and it should be even easier to enjoy the creamy ricotta and pork tortellini with your new friends.

Photo credit: Tabia Lisenbee-Parker

When you’re feeling most alone, a stroll along the BeltLine guarantees you some form of human interaction, even if it’s a rogue teenager who nearly runs you over with a scooter. When you’ve had enough of the sidewalk, head to the El Tesoro outpost on the West End Trail inside Wild Paradise. The brewery’s massive lounge area is usually filled with beer lovers and taco obsessives (two of our favorite types of people). But the best companions here are the delicious barbacoa taco and a draft beer. Sit at a communal table and even if you don’t talk to anyone, the bustle of the massive space makes you feel like you’re part of the action.

Photo credit: Courtesy of Politan Row

When you need to hear a human voice that isn’t coming from your TV, bustling food halls are appealing. Politan Row, inside Colony Square in Midtown, is always packed, feels like an upscale lounge, and is generally geared more toward young professionals chatting over really good oxtail tacos and incredible Tuna and lemon pepper sandwiches and less towards the kids running around like crazy. Come mingle with others at weekly social events like Monday chess nights and Sunday drag bingo, where your competitive nature will either win or make a few friends. There is also a bar in the center where you can sit and chat with the bartender or whoever else happens to drink a whole margarita on Wednesday. There is always someone there.

Photo credit: Amy Sinclair

Whether the weather is sunny or cloudy, you’ll find people at long booths overlooking the BeltLine Trail, which always gives Breaker Breaker a backyard barbecue vibe. While the lounge atmosphere is a plus, the real draw is the seafood. Enjoy a juicy, spicy grouper sandwich so big it spills off the soft bun, and savor it at the bar counter where you can chat with your flip-flop-wearing neighbor or watch the BeltLine’s constant hustle and bustle from a safe distance. For extra relaxation, head upstairs to the rooftop bar, FloridanIt’s a fun, cheerful place to kill a few hours, with a tropical vibe, affordable boxed wine and a delicious Cuban sandwich.

Photo credit: Amy Sinclair

Brunch is one of the most popular social activities in Atlanta, which can make dining alone feel a little more lonely. But that’s not the case at Bomb Biscuit, a great breakfast café on Highland, where the sunny yellow interior, friendly service, and warm, fluffy biscuits are enough to make anyone feel welcome. Arrive early if you want to get seated without waiting. Otherwise, you can swap stories with the people gathered outside, waiting for their chance to try the tasty fried chicken biscuit. Once inside, grab a seat at the long counter and expect to chat with your server, no matter how busy they are. They’ll even leave you a smiley face on your receipt.