
New York State Officials, Groups Respond to Trump Rally Incident

New York State Officials, Groups Respond to Trump Rally Incident

Reactions are pouring in from leaders and organizations across New York state after former President Donald Trump was removed from the stage at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on Saturday night following a shooting that killed at least one rallygoer.

In a statement, the Trump campaign said he was “doing well and is being evaluated at a local medical facility.”

“President Trump thanks law enforcement and first responders for their swift response to this heinous act,” Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign’s communications director, said in a statement, adding that more information would be released soon.

One person was killed in the incident, the Butler County, Pennsylvania, district attorney confirmed to The Associated Press. The shooter also died, they added.

Numerous elected leaders and groups from both sides of the political spectrum issued statements Saturday:

Governor Kathy Hochul:

“Any violence against a fellow American is repugnant and unacceptable. We must express our political disagreements in a peaceful, civil and respectful manner.

I pray for the safety and health of former President Trump and all those attending this event in Pennsylvania.

New York State Republican Committee:

“I pray for the safety of President Trump and the rally attendees in Pennsylvania, and I am grateful for our law enforcement heroes who rushed to help.”

Gerry Kassar, Chairman of the New York State Conservative Party:

“The attempted assassination of President Trump is shocking and should serve as a national wake-up call against the hatred that is eating away at our country. We are relieved to hear that President Trump is now safe and sound, and encouraged by his iconic fist pump as he left the stage in Pennsylvania. We commend law enforcement for their swift action in stopping a shooter, and have every confidence that a thorough investigation will be conducted. We extend our deepest condolences to the other innocent people who may have been shot at the event.

“We need to tone down the vitriol in this country. That’s not who we are as a nation.”

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer:

“I am horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and relieved that former President Trump is safe. Political violence has no place in our country.”

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:

“My thoughts are with former President Trump and all those affected by this horrific act, and I am grateful to law enforcement for their swift response. Political violence is completely unacceptable and has no place in American democracy.”

Representative Claudia Tenney:

“I pray for President Trump, his family, the great patriots who attended the rally and are in danger, and for all of America during this tragic time.”

Representative Elise Stefanik:

“Please pray for President Trump, his family, and all the patriots at today’s rally in Pennsylvania.”

Representative Mike Lawler:

“I pray for President Trump and his family at this time of terrible tragedy for America.”

Representative Nick Langworthy:

“I am praying for President Trump and everyone at the rally in Pennsylvania!”

Representative Tim Kennedy:

“The shooting at former President Donald Trump’s campaign rally is completely reprehensible. There is absolutely no place for violence in our democracy and society. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those involved and with the United States of America.”

Representative Joe Morelle:

“Thank you to the Secret Service and other law enforcement officers who responded quickly to today’s reprehensible act of violence.

I pray for the former president, for our nation and for all those affected.

Representative Pat Ryan:

“I want to be as clear and unequivocal as possible: there is no excuse for political violence.

Thank you to our brave Secret Service agents for their quick action; I pray that President Trump and anyone else injured will recover quickly.

MP Marc Molinaro:

“Terrifying. I pray for the safety of the former president and all those attending the rally.”

Representative Hakeem Jeffries:

“My thoughts and prayers are with former President Trump. I am grateful for the decisive response by law enforcement. America is a democracy. Political violence of any kind is never acceptable.”

Representative Anthony D’Esposito:

“The news of the attack on President Trump in Pennsylvania is deeply troubling. I pray for his safety and the safety of his supporters. I am so grateful to the law enforcement and Secret Service agents who ran into harm’s way.”

State Senator George Borrello:

“Tonight’s shooting at a rally for President Trump in Pennsylvania is reprehensible and should be of concern to people of all political affiliations. Differences in political views never justify violence. Reports indicate that one rallygoer was killed, which is tragic. My prayers go out to the family of this victim who died because of the senseless and hateful actions of the shooter. I pray that President Trump is safe and that no one else was injured.”

State Senator Jim Tedisco:

“The heinous attack on former President Donald Trump at a rally today in Pennsylvania is absolutely disgusting and horrifying. Good people of all political persuasions should condemn violence in any form in our political system. Our heartfelt prayers go out to President Trump for a full and speedy recovery, and to our Secret Service and law enforcement agencies who are investigating and bringing the terrorists who committed these acts to justice.”

Mark Poloncarz, Erie County Executive Director:

“At no time in our society is violence of any kind acceptable. In our country, we resolve our differences through the ballot box, not through violence. I am thinking and praying for the full recovery of former President Trump and all those who may have been harmed during today’s event.”

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello:

“The attempted assassination of former President Trump and the shooting death of a rally-goer are a tragedy for our country and our democracy. I condemn political violence. It has no place in our country. I am relieved that the former president appears to be safe. My thoughts are with President Trump and his family, and the family of the individual who lost his life simply while participating in a peaceful political rally. Thank you to the brave men and women of the Secret Service and law enforcement who put themselves in harm’s way to protect the former president.”

Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan:

“The use of violence during a political event is reprehensible and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

“I am encouraged to hear that President Trump is safe and I commend the law enforcement officers who responded. I hope those responsible are swiftly brought to justice.”

Tom DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller:

“It’s good news that former President Trump is doing well.

In America, we debate our issues, big and small, with our words and at the ballot box. Political violence like what happened today is shameful and has no place in our discourse.

Eric Adams, Mayor of New York:

“The events that unfolded at today’s rally in Pennsylvania are horrific.

My prayers go out to former President Trump, his family, and all who were at today’s event.

Political violence has no place in this country.

As a precaution, the NYPD is deploying officers to select locations across all five boroughs.