
Birds sneak into the noses of buffaloes. Literally.

Birds sneak into the noses of buffaloes. Literally.

Birds sneak into the noses of buffaloes. Literally.

Birds sneak into the noses of buffaloes. Literally.

These busy birds seem to want to attack this buffalo’s nose directly.

The tiny oxpeckers feed almost entirely on parasites found on larger mammals – and these appeared to be enjoying cleaning out a buffalo’s nostrils and ears at the same time.

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Amateur photographer Nico van Amstel was tickled by the buffalo’s indignant expression as its face became a breeding ground for the flock of birds as it tried to nibble on its own dinner.

But the buffalo’s cavities were undoubtedly much cleaner than they had been initially.

Nico from Alkmaar, the Netherlands, took these photos while on safari in Tanzania.

He said: “I was so happy when I looked at this photo up close.

“It is normal for birds to feed on whatever they can find on the buffalo hide, and larger animals generally do not care about it.

“But it was great to see so many birds on one buffalo’s face at once.

“I love photographing wild animals, it’s exciting, like hunting, with much more respect for nature.”

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