
Final Mass at All Saints Roman Catholic Church

Final Mass at All Saints Roman Catholic Church

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) — The parade of Catholic churches closing their doors continues as the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo moves forward with its downsizing and remodeling plan.

“It was an integral part of the neighborhood. When I was a kid, I think there were 3,000 families living here,” said Joseph Golombek, a member of the North District City Council.

Dozens of parishioners have shared memories over the years

Mel Hidy

Dozens of parishioners have shared memories over the years

Saturday afternoon’s Mass in Buffalo’s Riverside neighborhood was filled to capacity. A flood of memories came flooding back to many parishioners, recalling life-changing events.

“(She) taught music here for 40 years, she just came to get her picture, it’s a sad day,” said Bill Peffer, who drove from Boston to pick up a photo of his grandmother that has hung in the church for years.

Peffer with his grandmother's photo

Mel Hidy

Peffer with his grandmother’s photo

After the mass, people gathered for a celebration in the gymnasium. Peffer said it took him 40 minutes to park, which shows how important it was for people to come out.

“This should be a funeral Mass rather than a celebration,” Golombek said. “It’s a sad day for the Riverside community.”

A Burmese Baptist organization will take over the property, Golombek said.