
NYT editorial board urges Biden to withdraw candidacy after disastrous Atlanta debate

NYT editorial board urges Biden to withdraw candidacy after disastrous Atlanta debate

Emmanuel Alejandro Rondon

The New York Times editorial board just asked President Joe Biden to withdraw his presidential candidacy after his questionable performance in CNN’s debate against Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia.

In a direct and Democratic bias In its opinion, the New York Times board emphasized that Biden, despite criticism, has been an “admirable president.” but he must step down in the face of the “threat” that Trump represents to democracy.

“Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a series of long-term challenges, and the wounds opened by Mr. Trump have begun to heal,” noted the NYT editorial board, which has supported Democratic candidates for 68 years. “But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for office.”

The NYT editorial board later noted that the president was taking “a reckless risk.”

“There are Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and forceful alternatives to a second Trump presidency. There is no reason for the party to endanger the stability and security of the country by forcing voters to choose between Mr. Trump’s deficiencies and those of Mr. Biden, it is too big a gamble to simply hope that Americans will ignore or ignore Mr. Biden’s age and infirmity that they see for themselves eyes,” noted the board, which further emphasized that Democratic President. failed his own test of challenging Trump in a debate to prove that he is physically and mentally fit for the most important job in the United States and probably the world.

“It should be remembered that Mr. Biden challenged Mr. Trump to this verbal duel. He set the rules, and he insisted on a date months earlier than any previous election debate. He understood that he had to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity, and he had to do it sooner rather than later,” the editorial read. “The truth Mr. Biden must face now is that he failed his own test.”

In conclusion, the New York Times board of directors stated what they believe is the path Democrats must follow to defeat Trump in November: recognize that Biden can no longer be the candidate and find a replacement in record time.

“The most obvious way for Democrats to defeat a candidate defined by his lies is to deal honestly with the American public: recognize that Mr. Biden cannot continue his campaign and create a process to select someone more capable of doing so. replace to defeat Mr. Trump in November. »

The tendentious position of the New York Times editorial board should come as no surprise: the last time they supported a Republican candidate for president was 1956when they supported the re-election of Dwight D. EisenhowerSince then, the newspaper has only supported Democratic presidential candidates.

Although the New York Times editorial has drawn a wide range of reactions from analysts, media outlets and journalists, one eye-catching response has stood out. Pennsylvania Democratic Senator John Fettermanhad little praise for the New York newspaper and published a screenshot of the editorial with the words: “Fuck that.”