
Buffalo History Museum seeks memorabilia from The Old Pink

Buffalo History Museum seeks memorabilia from The Old Pink

The Buffalo History Museum collects memorabilia, photos and stories from The Old Pink, Buffalo’s famous dive bar recently destroyed by a devastating fire.

The Buffalo Fire Department says employees called the fire just before 5:45 a.m. on June 17. Investigators say the two-alarm fire started outside the building and then spread inside. An emergency demolition of the building was ordered after it was declared a total loss.

“We were saddened, along with the rest of Buffalo, to learn of the loss of the Old Pink in a devastating fire earlier this week,” the museum said. “We looked into our records and discovered that there had been a bar in this building at Allen and Mariner streets since at least 1898! The building itself dated to the mid-1860s. “We know that this bar contained generations of stories and memories. – and we want to have your opinion to collect and preserve them. Share your memories and photos of the Old Pink at the link below as we work to create a historic record on this legendary bar! »

If you would like to contribute, you can share your memories, photos and memories of The Old Pink using this form.

“We know that this bar has been home to generations of stories and memories – and we want you to collect and preserve them. Sharing will ensure that your experiences are preserved in our archives,” the museum continued. “Thank you for taking the time to help tell our story.”