
Atlanta Prime Timers Keep Older LGBTQ Men Social – Georgia Voice – Gay & LGBT Atlanta News

Atlanta Prime Timers Keep Older LGBTQ Men Social – Georgia Voice – Gay & LGBT Atlanta News

The Atlanta Prime Timers are a social organization of LGBTQ men over 40. Founded in 1989, the group is the third oldest chapter of Prime Timers Worldwide, an organization created to provide social support to older gay men.

“It’s a wonderful organization because as people get older, they tend to become more isolated,” said Jason Calvert, membership director of Atlanta Prime Timers. Voice of Georgia. “This is even more true in the LGBTQ community, as many people do not have relationships with their families and many are single. Isolation can lead to a higher risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s, so it’s good to have social opportunities.

The group has more than 150 members, with the youngest in their 40s and most over 55. About half the group is single and several couples are together between 20 and 50 years old.

“A few years ago, they lowered the age for membership to 21 to be more inclusive,” Calvert said. “We joke that we need wheelchair pushers.”

Atlanta Prime Timers meets for approximately 30 activities per month, many of which are ongoing events. Some events are weekly, such as the group’s tradition of meeting over a cup of coffee for years.

“Every Wednesday morning we meet at Panera Bread for coffee and snacks,” Calvert said. “There is usually a big crowd. The least I’ve seen there is about 8-10 people, but we have over 20 people sometimes. On Saturday we do the same thing, but at Brooklyn Bagel & Deli at Ansley Mall with a smaller crowd of three to eight people.

Other events take place monthly. On the first Saturday of each month, the group hosts a potluck or game night for between 40 and 70 people. A new tradition is the monthly movie lunch, where group members see a movie after eating at Golden Corral.

“The second Tuesday of every month is a PALS charity bingo event in Lips,” Calvert said. “The prime timers held one three months ago, and we had over 40 prime timers. We raised a lot of money for PALS and it was a lot of fun. The theme was Mrs. Roper, a character from the 70’s TV show “Threes Company.” It turned out to be the most popular theme. Almost half the people were dressed like her, it was awesome.

Of course, not all members attend every event, so most gatherings attract between eight and 80 people. New events are constantly popping up, and members can communicate via email and the Atlanta Prime Timers website to invite others to outings like movies and karaoke.

Some members are very involved, some only attend a few events, and still others join for the benefit of discounted tickets to the Atlanta Symphony and other theaters.

“We go to museums, different parks and guided tours all the time; we usually have at least two a month,” Calvert said. “A lot of them are recurring. We go there, and then we go the next year or the year after that. I think we visited almost every museum in the Atlanta area and we went to three museums in Cartersville.

With hundreds of events to attend each year, group members never run out of things to do. The group even went zip lining and is planning another outing soon. When it comes to Calvert’s favorite events, he enjoys every moment spent surrounded by friends.

“I like Christmas parties because more people come,” he said. “On July 4th and Memorial Day we have a big meal. I like events with big crowds. One of my favorites is potluck game night where everyone brings a snack to share and we play board games.

For just $30 a year to become a member, some people join just to show their support, and even some members who move continue to give. The organization is open to all men who are attracted to men, including trans and bisexual men.

For those considering joining us, Calvert offers these words of support:

“What’s the downside to having a group of people to hang out with, especially for older men who tend to stay home alone,” he said. “You can never have too many friends.”

To learn more about Atlanta Prime Timers, visit