
Texas AFT: 4 New Citizenship Clinic Prescreens Added in Houston Area ‣ Texas AFT

Texas AFT: 4 New Citizenship Clinic Prescreens Added in Houston Area ‣ Texas AFT

The Northeast Houston AFT held a pre-screening for permanent legal residents ahead of the July 21 citizenship clinic (center). Find clinic information, as well as remaining pre-screening dates, in the link English And Spanish leaflets.

AFT’s national union, Texas AFT, and its Harris County local unions are joining our larger union family to offer a free citizenship clinic in Houston this summer to support legal permanent residents who wish to apply for U.S. citizenship .

Now, four additional pre-screening dates have been added on June 28 and 29, providing additional opportunities for legal permanent residents to attend in preparation for the July 21 citizenship clinic.

As we mentioned in a previous Hotline, the path to citizenship is complicated, and this free clinic (along with mandatory prescreenings) is intended to help people navigate the process.

The four new presets are as follows. Reminder: Anyone wishing to participate in the comprehensive citizenship clinic must attend a pre-selection to be eligible.

Friday June 28

1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Texas Gulf Coast Area Federation of Labor
2506 Sutherland Street
Houston, TX 77023
6 p.m.-8 p.m.
Houston Central American Resource Center (CRECEN)
6601, rue Hillcroft #125
Houston, TX 77081

Saturday June 29

Consulate of Mexico
3200 Rogerdale Road.
Houston, TX 77042
1 p.m.-3 p.m.
Consulate of Mexico
3200 Rogerdale Road.
Houston, TX 77042