
The Melville Boys may be set in a fishing cabin while Private Lives is set on the French Riviera, but both tinge the humor with melancholy.

The Melville Boys may be set in a fishing cabin while Private Lives is set on the French Riviera, but both tinge the humor with melancholy.

Two shows, seemingly polar opposites, both tell the classic situation of two men and two women and what happens next. Since Noel Coward’s apparently sophisticated PRIVATE LIVES was well previewed by Buffalo Rising’s Daniel Lendzian, I invite you to read this preview.

PRIVATE LIFE is what some call a “comedy of manners” or what I call a “parlor comedy”. These plays typically feature witty, fast-paced dialogue between wealthy, well-mannered (usually British) characters who wear beautiful, well-cut clothes, smoke cigarettes in their monogrammed cigarette cases, drink cocktails like fish and are called “dahling”. ” But for all the humor, and it is funny, there is an air of melancholy as the characters desperately seek human connection.

It’s at the Irish Classical Theater until the end of the month, Sunday June (see full list below).

Meanwhile, at Desiderio’s Dinner Theater (inside Bobby J’s Italian American Grille), THE MELVILLE BOYS, well directed by Jack Hunter, introduces us to two brothers who don’t say “dahling” but instead work in a factory, wear jeans and flannel shirts, and spend the weekend at their aunt and uncle’s fishing cabin. The younger brother, Owen Melville (played by Trevor Dugan), drinks like a fish, but only beer. His older brother, Lee Melville (Marc Ruffino), is the more sober one, in every sense of the word.

The two brothers are well paired with two local sisters: Loretta (Alyssa Grace Adams), younger, energetic and carefree, and Mary (Marie Costa), Loretta’s older sister and, in every sense of the word, more restrained. . For both families, older siblings act at the parentsoften disagreeing with the bad choices of younger people, but the arguments are tinged with love.

Unlike the well-off characters in PRIVATE LIVES, who live in an unconscious illusion of the 1930s global depression and impending war, the four working-class people in THE MELVILLE BOYS have their own illusions but demonstrate a certain level of of heroism by admitting a glimpse of reality and moving forward as best they can.

THE MELVILLE BOYS is billed as a “comedy/drama”. Today, at university, I was given a simple formula: if someone dies, it’s a tragedy; if there is a marriage, it is a comedy. Well, there is no marriage in THE MELVILLE BOYS. In fact, a marriage could be annulled. But no one dies, although there is a concern about suicide and did I mention one of the characters has cancer? If this all sounds depressing, it’s not.

THE MELVILLE BOYS | Marie Costa – Photo courtesy of Desiderio Dinner Theater

And we expect this “life tempered with humor” when it is signed by a Desiderio favorite, Norm Foster, who I call the Canadian Neil Simon. Foster has been the most produced playwright in Canada each year for twenty years, with an average of one hundred and fifty productions per year. So, just as you are with Neil Simon, you are in very good hands with Norm Foster assisted by director Jack Hunter who has produced great performances from all four actors.

There are several interesting twists and turns in the play. At one point, younger brother Owen, full of alcohol the morning after the night before, has a moment of clarity about his unreliable and reckless ways. And Marie, after her own sleepless night, is ready to take a new direction. In fact, all four characters have an idea of ​​their situation.

The set (designed by director Jack Hunter) is delightfully filled with knick-knacks, fridge magnets, a deer’s head on the wall, a weapons rack, and a clever depiction of a porch with a very beautiful view painted by Margo Davis, all well lit. by Len Méndez. The food is always very good, so it’s a good choice for a night out.

THE BASICS: THE MELVILLE BOYS, a comedy/drama play by Norm Foster, directed by Jack Hunter, produced by Desiderio’s Dinner Theater, starring Marc Ruffino, Trevor Dugan, Marie Costa and Alyssa Grace Adams. The show runs until June 23. On Thursday and Saturday evenings, June 20 and 22, arrive at 6:00 p.m. for dinner with a show at 7:30 p.m., and for the final Sunday matinee, arrive at 1:00 p.m. for lunch with a show at 2:30 p.m. Desiderio Dinner Theater at Bobby J’s, 204 Comoo Park Blvd. Cheektowaga NY 14227 (716) 395-3207

DURATION: 1h40 with an intermission

Please take a moment to read the new Herd of Buffalo scoring system below.

You have two weeks to see PRIVATE LIVES, the play by Noel Coward, directed by Chris Kelly, presented by The Irish Classical Theater Company, with Anna Fernandez, Ben Michael Moran, Maria Pedro, Darryl Semira and Jenn Stafford. 6/7 – 6/30, Thu – Saturday 7:30 a.m., Saturday 3:00 p.m., Sunday 2:00 p.m. Irish Classical Theater Company 625 Main Street Buffalo NY 14203 (716) 853-1380

All-you-can-eat shows: Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m., June 22 and 29 (must be purchased in person at the box office on the day of the show. Seats subject to availability.) Subtitled show: Thursday, June 29, 27, 2024 at 7:30 p.m.

DURATION: 2 hours with an intermission

Have you read the preview?

I’ll just say that it delivers on the promise made when Lendzian quotes PRIVATE LIVES playwright Matt Refermat: “I believe this is the kind of play that will warm the hearts of audiences who make theater a regular part of their diet.” But I also truly believe that if it’s a person’s first time seeing a classic comedy, that could be a gateway to that comedy.

The experienced cast is strong, with Sibyl played by Anna Fernandez, usually seen in musicals, here in her debut in the Irish classic in a simple play. Darryl Semira plays Victor in his Irish classical music debut. While in some productions Sibyl is just plain boring and annoying, and Victor is a pompous “veddy British” ass, that’s not the case in director Chris Kelly’s vision. It’s clear that Amanda and Elyot’s decision to derail together is entirely up to them.

Private Lives of Noël Coward – On stage at CTIC until June 30 | Photo by Sarah Potter

Amanda is played by Jenn Stafford, who can be both decisive and vulnerable, and Elyot is Irish regular Ben Michael Moran, who just won the Artie Award for Outstanding Actor in a Play for his role in THE PRICE at Irish Classic.

Theater in the round presents many challenges, one of them being that the actors must constantly move so as not to have their backs turned to certain parts of the audience for very long. But their movements must appear natural and spontaneous. Moran is the most experienced in this field having (before THE PRICE) recently been on the same stage in THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST as well as WAITING FOR GODOT.

But wait, there’s more. And it’s the performance of Maria Pedro, recently star of the musical BEAUTIFUL, THE CAROL KING STORY at MusicalFare, who, with the help of director Chris Kelly, takes the minor role of a servant and turns it into something wonderful, one moment singing at the top of her lungs, the next moment she was swearing in French.

The costumes by Vivian Del Bello (who just won an Artie Award for “Outstanding Costume Design” for THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST at Irish Classical) are truly exceptional. During one of the “discussions” I asked about them. Maria Pedro’s floor length dress is the same one worn by Aleks Malejs in “TIS PITY SHE’S A WHORE” and it still looks stunning. But all the clothes worn by all the actors are an absolute delight. If you like seeing rich, beautiful people behaving badly while wearing nice clothes, and based on the success of the TV series SUCCESSION or DOWNTON ABBEY it seems people do, then you’ll love PRIVATE LIVES.


FIVE BUFFALO: Universal appeal! This production is pure theatrical magic – an audience pleaser. No prior theater experience is necessary. Whether it’s a hilarious comedy or a heartwarming drama, this show offers an unforgettable shared experience. You will laugh, be touched or amazed (depending on the genre). Collect your tickets before they disappear!

FOUR BUFFALO: Highly recommended! This production provides high quality entertainment. It may have a solid storyline and stellar performances. While it may not be for everyone, theater lovers and those interested in style, themes, or genre will certainly be pleased. Gather your friends or make a date – you won’t be disappointed you went!

THREE BUFFALO: A solid evening! This is a solid production and an enjoyable evening at the theater. It is a good choice for a night out. Go through it and check it out if you can!

TWO BUFFALOES: Intriguing! This production may not appeal to all tastes. However, if you are feeling adventurous and want to forge your own theatrical path, this production offers a unique experience. Although it may have some minor imperfections, if the genre, themes, and style match your interests, you should definitely attend!

ONE BUFFALO: If you like theater… While it won’t appeal to everyone, it offers a stimulating and thought-provoking experience. Fans of traditional theater might have a hard time following. While it will undoubtedly spark conversation, consider the genre, themes, and style before attending.