
McDonald’s Trick for a Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich

McDonald’s Trick for a Buffalo Ranch Chicken Sandwich

Among the many McDonald’s menu tips circulating on the Internet, this one is fortunately one of the simplest. I opted to order a full meal, but to complete the hack, all you need is the sandwich and two small condiments (which are provided for free).


Order a Spicy McCrispy and take it out of the package. Place the sandwich on a plate, remove the patty and return it to the original takeout bag. Next, open the Spicy Buffalo Dip and pour it into the bag with the chicken patty. Do the same with the ranch dressing, seal the bag and shake it like a can of Shake ‘n Bake.

You can then remove the sauce-soaked chicken patty with your hand (or a fork if you want to be delicate about getting sauce on your fingers, although it won’t matter once you start eating) . Return the patty to its bun and bam: you’ve completed the basic level of this Buffalo ranch chicken hack.