
Billboard Asks Locals for Atlanta’s Best Get Up Anthems

Billboard Asks Locals for Atlanta’s Best Get Up Anthems

Billboard and Tres Generaciones Tequila are teaming up to explore select cities’ Get Up anthems, and the next stop is Atlanta, Georgia. Ahead of the curated list, in this “Man on the Street” we tapped Houstonians to help us share some of their favorite hometown hits that have inspired and energized their city, including dance favorite “Swag Surfin” and the tourist anthem “Welcome”. in Atlanta. Don’t forget to check out the official Get Up for Houston anthems presented by Tres Generaciones Tequila.

Walaa Elsddig:

Hi, my name is Walaa. Billboard and Tres Generaciones Tequila are teaming up to bring you Get Up anthems from select cities, and our next stop is Atlanta, Georgia, home of peach and trap music. Get Up’s anthems represent songs of courage and perseverance that have motivated, captivated and inspired their city. So what better way than to hear the Atlanteans themselves talk about the songs they think deserve to be on this list? So let’s hear what they have to say. What song do you think absolutely, undeniably deserves to be on this list?

Guest 1:

Well I have to be there, there’s Lil Baby “Freestyle”. You’re in the A, it’s the anthem.

Guest 2:

“March Madness” by Future.

Walaa Elsddig:

For what?

Guest 2:

Back in my junior year, the club was really taking it to the next level with this song.

Walaa Elsddig:

What song do you think deserves to be on the Get Up Anthem soundtrack for Atlanta?

Guest 3:

TI “you don’t know me”, that’s for sure. Your project today will have the same vibe.

Guest 4:

I would say “March Madness” by Future, it’s always a banger, like everyone’s always up, on, turned up.

Guest 5:

Outkast’s “Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik” hail from Atlanta and have paved the way for many artists.

Walaa Elsddig:

And you ?

Keep watching to find out more!