
Companies Investing in Houston’s Energy Workforce

Companies Investing in Houston’s Energy Workforce

Companies Investing in Houston’s Energy Workforce

Bechtel offers construction jobs to 15 graduating seniors (Courtesy: Bechtel)

As Houston continues to lead the energy transition, major companies are making significant investments to ensure the region’s workforce is equipped with the skills of tomorrow. Leading industry players ExxonMobil and Bechtel recently announced initiatives, demonstrating their commitment to preparing and empowering the next generation of energy professionals.

ExxonMobil’s Commitment to STEM Education

The ExxonMobil Foundation recently donated $17 million to Khan Academy for the Open Doors Project. The initiative will allow Khan Academy to offer free Texas Standards-compliant math and science lessons for students in grades 3-12 and guides for teachers to facilitate the new lessons.

The collaboration with Khan Academy will enhance STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) learning opportunities, ensuring students have the foundational knowledge and skills required to pursue careers in the energy industry and beyond. of the.

Bechtel Construction Career Path

Bechtel, a global leader in engineering, construction and project management, is also making significant progress in workforce development. The company recently announced it is offering construction careers to 15 graduates of the pipefitter and welding career and technical education (CTE) programs at Nederland and Port Arthur Memorial high schools. Students received hands-on experience and training through the program, enabling them to successfully progress into careers at the Port Arthur Phase 1 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Project site.

“We are excited to offer jobs to these students who have gained the experience necessary to complete their program and begin their journey to becoming qualified craft professionals,” said Kane McIntosh, Port Arthur LNG Project Manager at Bechtel. “Sempra Infrastructure and Bechtel are committed to supporting Port Arthur and Southeast Texas, which includes training the next generation of workers who will deliver large-scale projects like Port Arthur LNG Phase 1. »

Shaping the future of energy

Investments from ExxonMobil and Bechtel are crucial to ensuring that Houston remains at the forefront of the global energy industry. With a focus on education and career development, these companies drive innovation and sustainable growth in the energy sector while meeting current and future workforce needs.

Learn more about the region energy industry and workforce development programs.