
Killer Mike speaks to Atlanta students about guns, gangs and violence – 95.5 WSB

Killer Mike speaks to Atlanta students about guns, gangs and violence – 95.5 WSB

ATLANTA — Three-time Grammy Award winner Killer Mike is using his celebrity to encourage kids to stay away from guns, gangs and violence.

The artist spoke to students at Tri-Cities High School in East Point on Wednesday. It’s all part of an effort to find solutions to crime.

The incident happened behind the high school’s football stadium after a basketball game in February. The police chief doesn’t want this to happen again.

That’s why he brought Killer Mike to school to listen to students’ concerns and give them sound advice that could save their lives.

He knows that when it’s hot and school is out, juvenile delinquency increases.

“Why can’t I have a gang bang and all my other friends are doing it?” » a student asked the rapper, whose real name is Michael Render.

“I never joined a gang, because it was never about making money,” Killer Mike said.

The rapper said he understands that the boys want to be part of a group, but not a group that takes lives and destroys futures.

“I don’t understand how you can see for years and years of something failing and still want to participate in the same way,” Killer Mike said.

East Point Police Chief Shawn Buchanan said summer is the most violent time for young people.

He helped bring the rapper to the high school to answer students’ questions and also recorded videos to help students understand that violence, guns and gangs are a dead end and encourage them to stay safe during school. ‘summer.

The rapper also saw students perform a skit about the dangers of joining gangs.

“Why can’t I use a gun?” All my other friends do it,” one student asked.

“I’m not offended by your desire or curiosity about guns, but I would like you to talk about guns with professionals and not just your friends,” Killer Mike said.

The rapper suggested joining a gun club or going hunting as a family.

Students had questions about child suicide, bullying and self-harm. Killer Mike answered honestly.

He told Jones he was only giving back what was given to him.

“Because someone chose to inspire me, it’s my choice to do the right thing and do the same thing,” Killer Mike said.