
Expect a calm evening, but Houston isn’t done with storms yet – Space City Weather

Expect a calm evening, but Houston isn’t done with storms yet – Space City Weather

In short: Expect calm weather this evening, but the Houston area will likely see another round of showers and thunderstorms Saturday, and possibly Sunday as well, before high pressure takes control.

Good afternoon. The series of strong to severe thunderstorms that passed through Houston this morning has helped improve the atmosphere such that we are seeing calm conditions this afternoon. Because of this more stable atmosphere, we’ll likely see good weather persist tonight and overnight, which is good news if you have outdoor plans, graduation celebrations, or other activities.

The question then becomes: what happens on Saturday?

Although Friday night will likely be calm, that doesn’t mean we’re done with storm risks. It looks like we will see another round of showers and thunderstorms on Saturday. Some of these could become severe, but I expect them to be less severe than Friday morning’s, with the main threat being damaging winds and possibly a slight chance of hail. Timing-wise, I expect these storms to break out mid-morning in the coastal counties before moving inland. Heavy rain could briefly cause street flooding. I hope we see some respite from the stormy weather Saturday evening, and again overnight.

Severe storms forecast for Saturday. (NOAA)

As for Sunday, the storm chances will diminish, but I’m not ready to rule them out completely as the high pressures won’t really be in place yet. A further round of showers appears possible, but unlikely, during Sunday morning. The rest of next week still looks mostly sunny, with highs in the low to mid 90s.

We will have another update Saturday morning to refine the storm forecast.