
What to Know About Houston Kids Getting Pinworms This Summer and How to Avoid Them

What to Know About Houston Kids Getting Pinworms This Summer and How to Avoid Them

It’s a common condition that might give most of you goosebumps!

Children who enjoy summer activities may play with others, go to camp, eat with their hands and put themselves at risk for pinworms.

Dr. Kailey Graybill of the Kelsey-Seybold Clinic said she has seen several cases of pinworms recently.

“They are very common in children and also spread very quickly in households,” says Dr. Graybill. “Usually, even when we treat a child for pinworms, sometimes we even treat the whole family. Fortunately, it’s a single-dose medication that usually clears it up pretty quickly.

How do you know if you have them?

“If your child tells you their bottom is a little itchy, take a look or let your pediatrician know when they might need medication,” Dr. Graybill said.

Where do you find them?

“You see it in children who share, say, sandboxes, children in daycare, children who use their hands to eat and who may also touch other things, touch other children. Many children who are not potty trained also have closer contact with stools,” she said.

How can you prevent them?

If you are told this is happening at camp or daycare, be vigilant and get it treated before everyone else in the house is.

Also remind your children to wash their hands, it really is the best way to avoid passing on unwanted infections.

Can you get them in swimming pools?

This is a common question addressed by the CDC, but they say it is unlikely to be infected from public pools.

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