
Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines adopts new rules for flight attendant uniforms after Palestinian insignia scandal – WABE

Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines adopts new rules for flight attendant uniforms after Palestinian insignia scandal – WABE

Delta Air Lines is changing its employee uniform policy following a social media storm sparked by a passenger’s outrage over two flight attendants photographed wearing Palestinian pins.

The outcry over the July 10 post, which described Palestinian pins as “Hamas badges,” led Delta to ban its employees from wearing pins representing any country or nationality other than the United States. The rule goes into effect Monday.

“We are proud of the diversity of our employees and customers, as well as the foundation of our brand, which is to connect the world and provide a premium experience,” the Atlanta-based airline said in a statement. “We are taking this step to help ensure a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for all.”

Delta’s policy shift reflects ongoing tensions over the war between Israel and Hamas, which has sparked widespread protests that have rocked college campuses and elsewhere.

The two attendants pictured in the post objecting to the Palestinian pins were in line with Delta’s previous policy giving employees more flexibility with uniform accessories.

Before Delta announced its new policy, one of its employees made matters worse by posting a response claiming that flight attendants wearing Palestinian insignia were violating company rules and sympathizing with passengers who might be “terrified” by it. That post has since been deleted but was captured in a screenshot shared by the U.S. Muslim rights group CAIR National.

Delta said the employee responsible for the post had been removed from his role managing social media communications in a message that also included an apology.