
Judge Tyria Walton is criticized for acquitting a Chicago woman who stole a police car and attacked a police officer

Judge Tyria Walton is criticized for acquitting a Chicago woman who stole a police car and attacked a police officer

Judge Tyria Walton of Cook County, Chicago, was sharply criticized by netizens for acquitting Whitley Temple, a black woman accused of stealing a police car and assaulting a police officer, of all charges. Walton agreed with the defense’s argument that the woman, who was naked at the time of the incident, acted out of mental illness.

Chicago, Judge Tyria Walton was criticized by Internet users for the acquittal Whitley Templea black woman accused of stealing a police car and assaulting a police officer. Walton agreed with the defense’s argument that the woman, who was naked at the time of the incident, acted out of mental illness.

Temple was charged with attempted murder, two counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, auto theft and other charges. On Wednesday, Temple was acquitted of all charges. The court has given her a treatment plan and will be required to report to the court from time to time to meet with mental health professionals.

However, people on social media expressed dissatisfaction with Judge Walton’s decision in the case, which came last month after a trial before a single judge, and sharply criticized Walton.