
Voting in the New York primaries

Voting in the New York primaries

Tuesday is primary day in New York State, a chance for voters to make their voices heard at the polls.

In the Capital Region, most voters came out Tuesday, acknowledging their vote in a primary that only prepares for what’s to come in November. But they said their vote carried as much weight as Election Day, which this year falls on Nov. 5.

“I just want to get my one vote,” said Albany County voter William Curtis Wilkins.

On this primary day, congressional, state Assembly and Senate seats, as well as district attorney and other races, fill ballots across the state.

“There are a lot of great people running and I’m impressed with the vote,” Wilkins said.

Charles Lossi is also an Albany County voter.

“I’m very happy that we have a primary because this way we can choose who we really want,” Lossi said.

Election officials in the Capital Region described turnout as steady.

“I registered probably a week before the deadline,” said Dominic, a new voter. “I did it myself online. It was an easy process and I’m very happy I did it.”

He had a number of questions in mind when he voted.

“Safety, safer neighborhoods, opportunities for people, that’s more important.” I think that’s what matters most to me,” he said.

And even though there were no presidential candidates on the ballot, the race for the White House was a priority.

“The presidency is the priority for me,” Lossi said. “I’m not going to tell you who I’m going to vote for, but there is one in particular I will not vote for.”

Voting is a civic duty that he and others do not take lightly.

“We have to keep America strong, it’s the only way. We have a vote, everyone has a vote,” Lossi said.