
Braves, Cardinals: Rain delay updates

Braves, Cardinals: Rain delay updates

Friday’s game between the Atlanta Braves and St. Louis Cardinals will not start on time due to rain in the Truist Park area. The tarp is currently on the field and the Braves have announced there will be a delayed start. We will provide updates as they become available.

It looks like the ground crew is sweeping the water off the tarp, so hopefully it won’t be too long of a delay.

There is still a light rain falling at Truist Park, but it should clear up soon.

The tarp is being removed from the field. Still no updated start time yet.

Proof that the tarpaulin is leaving the field.

Well! The tarp is back on the field as it is still raining in the area. We will share updates as they become available.

This update is that there is still no update.

Updated look at the radar.

We are 40 minutes past the start time and are still waiting for an update.

It doesn’t look like we’re any closer to a new departure time.

8:27 PM: The update says it’s still raining and there are no further updates. In fact, it might be a while before the course is playable.

8:31 PM: The official update says we still don’t have an update.