
Kuwait’s Emir dissolves parliament and suspends important constitutional articles

Kuwait’s Emir dissolves parliament and suspends important constitutional articles

Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad al-Sabah announced the dissolution of parliament in a televised address on Friday.

He cited the recent difficulties as the reason for this drastic measure and emphasized the urgent need to protect the country’s primary interests without hesitation or delay.

In addition to dissolving the legislature, the emir declared a temporary suspension of certain constitutional articles for up to four years, during which the country’s democratic processes will undergo a comprehensive assessment, Reuters reported.

According to state television, the responsibilities of the National Assembly will be temporarily transferred to the cabinet of the emir and Kuwait. This change in government marks a significant centralization of power in the hands of the emir and his cabinet, a move justified by the need to address immediate national concerns.

Kuwait’s legislature has historically wielded more power than comparable institutions in other Gulf monarchies and plays a significant role in the country’s political landscape. This often resulted in political deadlocks, which repeatedly led to cabinet reshuffles and previous parliamentary dissolutions.

The Emir’s decision underscores a critical moment for Kuwait as it navigates these challenging times and seeks to reassess and potentially recalibrate its approach to governance and democratic engagement.