
The Lamoine Lions SkillsUSA travel to Atlanta on Sunday

The Lamoine Lions SkillsUSA travel to Atlanta on Sunday

Good luck to the Lamoine Lions SkillsUSA team who will travel to Atlanta on Sunday, June 23!

Photo Miranda Engstrom

Photo Miranda Engstrom

They will definitely be busy! Here’s what they’re going to do according to their advisor Miranda Engstrom!

Monday is a full day dedicated to exploring our competition venues at the Georgia World Congress Center, the Georgia Aquarium and our state dinner at the hotel where we receive all of the week’s updates from the from State Director Hal Casey.

Tuesday: Breakfast at the Atlanta Breakfast Club (super delicious peach chicken and waffles that the team is looking forward to!)

Natalia Briggs represents Maine at Middle School Pin Design and she does her orientation and clothing check from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., turns in her renderings, and sets up her display and binder. Her interview is scheduled for 3:40 to 3:50 p.m., where she will use her display stand to give a verbal presentation of her pin.

Ian Frost, Jordan Chan and Benjamin Baldridge represent Maine Middle School in the Team Engineering Challenge. They attend their orientation from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday. This is where they will first see their problem, review their settings, and ask their first questions. We have no idea how many other teams they will face.

Tuesday evening will take place the opening session at the State Farm Arena with more than 15,000 participants!

The Team Engineering Challenge team will compete Wednesday and Thursday, with their interview and sales pitch Thursday afternoon.

Erin Kutny and Natalia will participate in the community service project Friday from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. while Team Engineering Challenge will attend their debrief mid-morning Friday.

Friday evening will be the awards session at the State Farm Arena.

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