
Gaza protest near Capitol hopes to attract lawmakers’ attention

Gaza protest near Capitol hopes to attract lawmakers’ attention

Several dozen people representing the Capital Region’s Muslim community brought their calls for a Gaza ceasefire to the state Capitol in Albany on Wednesday, as peace talks continued at the amid an Israeli offensive in Rafah.

The group showed its support for the Palestinians in Gaza and for a ceasefire agreement between the warring parties.

“As Muslims, we remain holy and truly objective when it comes to matters of right and wrong,” said Imam Jamal Shah of Masjid Nabvi. “In this particular case, we can see the aggressor, namely the Israeli state, the Israeli government and those who enable them, carrying out what we can only call collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza. »

Those present held signs reading “Stop the genocide in Gaza” and “Let Gaza live.”

The protest took place as news of Israeli advances in Rafa began to circulate. The southern Gaza city has become a place where Palestinians have sought refuge from fighting across the Strip.

Negotiations are also underway between Israel and Hamas, which are reportedly on the verge of success. Protesters were cautiously optimistic about ceasefire negotiations.

“I think the question is fundamentally flawed because it presupposes a context that ignores everything Palestinians have experienced since 1947,” said Taiymoor Naqi of the Al Hidaya Center in Latham, when asked where the Hamas in all this. . “What do you expect from a people who have been deprived of their lives, their liberty, their property, their humanity, their resources, their access to health care, their access to education. What are they supposed to do?

Organizers said they chose West Capitol Park as their rallying point in hopes that their message would be seen and heard by the many state leaders who pass the park daily.

President Joe Biden said Wednesday that he would not provide offensive weapons that Israel could use to launch an all-out attack on Rafah – the last major Hamas stronghold in Gaza – out of concern for the well-being of more than million civilians sheltering there. .