
Kehinde Wiley is accused of sexual assault

Kehinde Wiley is accused of sexual assault

Joseph Awuah-Darko, a British-born artist, curator and musician based in Ghana, has accused Kehinde Wiley of sexual assault. In an Instagram post posted on Sunday, Awuah-Darko spoke publicly about the allegation for the first time, adding that he is currently pursuing “legal action.” Wiley, a visual artist best known for his portrait of former President Barack Obama, denied all allegations in his own post on Instagram.

In the article, Awuah-Darko briefly talks about his experiences meeting Wiley for the first time. On June 9, 2021, the two met at the Noldor Artist Residency at a dinner hosted by Ghana’s Creative Arts Council in Wiley’s honor. That evening, Awuah-Darko claimed he was sexually assaulted by Wiley twice.

The statement begins with the words: “You say Self-immolation is the practice of setting oneself on fire, usually in protest against something. That’s exactly how it felt for me to write this statement – but it had to be done. Today I protest against sexual assault and abuse of power in all its forms. And with great hope that my flames will shed light on other truths to come.”

The post continues: “On June 9, 2021, I was sexually assaulted (twice) by Kehinde Wiley.” In the post, Awuah-Darko further claims that the first time, Wiley “groped (Awuah-Darko) inappropriately” in front of another guest by grabbing his buttocks”. “The second attack was much more serious and violent,” he wrote simply of the other incident. Awuah-Darko also addressed why he has never spoken about it before, writing in a comment on the post: “Note: The very first TIME I finally stopped berating myself and admitted to my best friend that I was abused was in October 2023!” He also provided insight into the impact of culture and power on situations like this.

“Let me say now that, similar to some other documented victims (survivors) of sexual assault, I did not immediately come to terms with the reality of my abuse as such,” Awuah-Darko wrote. “It would take many months before I could come to terms with what actually happened to me. “Secondly, given that Kehinde, who self-identifies as a gay man, has received global recognition, officially reporting this attack in a West African country like Ghana (where anti-LGBTQIA+ sentiments are prevalent) would have been problematic at best – dangerous at worst.”

Shortly after Awuah-Darko’s post, Wiley responded with a post of his own, claiming the relationship was “consensual” and saying Awuah-Darko’s allegations were “not true and an affront to all victims of sexual abuse.”

Both artists have since made statements ARTnews about their relationship.

“Someone with whom I had a brief, consensual relationship is now making false, disturbing and defamatory allegations about our time together. These allegations hurt me deeply and I will use all legal options to uncover the truth and clear my name. These allegations are also a slap in the face to all victims of sexual abuse. I have no idea why this person decided to target me in this way, especially because he has been trying to be a part of my life since we met – he flew to Nigeria to Attended my birthday party, tried to visit my home in upstate New York, sent me warm and heartfelt text messages, and visited my exhibit at the de Young Museum in San Francisco almost a year ago to the day and posted on Instagram that the exhibition of his “dear friend” was “breathtaking”. He’s posted extensively on Instagram about his struggles with mental illness and I hope he gets help with whatever he’s going through. I will vigorously defend my name and reputation,” Wiley said.

Awuah-Darko responded: “Reconciliation with the painful reality of Kehinde’s attack on me was something I only accepted at the end of October 2023 when I confided in one of my best friends, a gallery owner. This late, I only accepted my attack after years of therapy,” Awuah-Darko wrote. “My relationship with Kehinde in the months and moments before my revelation of the abuse I experienced at his hands would have been friendly and even cordial; be it the birthday party he invited me to or discussions about the possibility of meeting. Similar to his OTHER VICTIMS. I think it’s important to continually challenge the misconception that a sex offender is a complete stranger.”

He also claims that nearly 90% of sexual assault victims know their perpetrator, but RAINN (Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network) suggests that number is closer to 80%. Awuah-Darko’s original Instagram post also included a statement that alluded to Wiley’s “other victims” and claimed that there were others in “New York, Beijing, etc.”

Awuah-Darko’s Instagram post ends with the words: “To Kehinde: I warmly invite you to use your supposed credibility, influence, loyalists and everything you have to encourage those of us who come forward to… “To silence.” Because I assure you, you will need it.”

Wiley’s post ends with: “I ask for privacy as I work to clear my name.” When asked for comment from ARTnewsWiley’s representative did not respond and Black Rock Senegal, the organization he founded, declined.