
Terri M. Lee Announces Atlanta Housing Leadership Appointments

Terri M. Lee Announces Atlanta Housing Leadership Appointments

Terri M. Lee announced the first leadership appointments to the Atlanta Housing executive team.

  • Dr. Alan Ferguson, Sr.director of housing and real estate
  • Dwayne Vaughn, CEO

When she was appointed to lead the 86-year-old organization in January 2024, Lee said one of her key focus areas would be improving the agency’s ability to implement innovative solutions to accelerate the delivery of affordable housing to Atlanta families. Her first two leadership appointments reflect this priority as she continues to lead Atlanta Housing toward achieving its strategic goals, the first of which is to create or preserve 10,000 units of affordable housing by 2027.

Terri M. Lee, President and CEO

“Solving one of the most critical issues of our time will require us to radically reshape the way we think about serving Atlantans,” said Terri M. Lee. “Atlanta Housing will move forward with a renewed sense of urgency to provide vital services that will uplift people. We have set ourselves bold goals and to achieve them we must move from a posture of transactional activity to transformative leadership. This will, in many ways, require a cultural shift for this historic institution, but we are prepared to leverage our real estate portfolio with creativity and innovation to preserve access to Atlanta for all people, regardless of either their income level, who wish to call this city. House. Leaders with the experience, reputation and track record of Alan Ferguson and Dwayne Vaughn will encourage this evolution. Welcoming Alan and Dwayne to my executive leadership team is an important step in this direction.