
4 Keyport businesses have been closed indefinitely after a construction incident condemned construction

4 Keyport businesses have been closed indefinitely after a construction incident condemned construction

Four downtown Keyport businesses are closed indefinitely after construction damaged the building next door, leading to the building being delisted.

On April 24, one of the first-floor walls collapsed as construction crews poured cement next door. Now these shop owners want answers.

“I am mentally and physically exhausted and overwhelmed at this point,” said Rose Clayton, owner of Regency Management Group.

Clayton’s store, as well as an ice cream parlor, a mortgage office and a salon, will close. Officials determined the building was no longer safe after the wall collapsed.

“Apparently they poured concrete, which caused the walls to collapse and all the wet concrete poured into the office and covered all my equipment, my computers – everything,” Clayton said. Photos and videos from inside the building show the extensive damage. Tenants say it’s impossible to get help from anyone.

“What’s going on here is not only destroying the character of the town, it’s destroying people and their businesses and taking away their livelihoods,” said Vinny Kyne, a fan of the ice cream shop.

Kyne spoke at Tuesday night’s council meeting and tried to help the owners, but said little was learned.

“When I broached the subject – barbecue – no one seemed to know or care about it. No action plan, no contingent liability. There was nothing in the act,” he said.

“We’re all out of business. We are all closed. Some of us can work remotely, but it’s not 100%,” Clayton added.

District Attorney Vicki Flynn tells News 12 in part: “An engineering report concluded that there was no imminent danger and work could continue at 31 West Front Street. Please contact the New Jersey Economic Development Authority to determine which.” Support can be provided.

She goes on to say that any litigation would take place between the property owners and the insurance companies, and the county and council hope the state can provide temporary assistance to the displaced tenants.

News 12 also left a message with the construction company but has not yet heard back. FULL STATEMENT FROM DISTRICT ATTORNEY VICKI FLYNN:

1. The contractor did not contact the police at the time of the incident. The contractor contacted the building department and the local county building official immediately went to the site and continued to visit the site regularly and communicate with the property owners.

2. The District has not received notice from OSHA of the site closure.

3. The legal liability of the construction company depends on any claims of the adjacent property owners against the construction company. The District has been in contact with the DCA, which has advised the Corporation Administrator as of today that local code officers have performed their roles in accordance with the law. The legal dispute regarding this construction site is between the property owners and the insurance companies.

4. It is the District’s understanding that building owners are contacting their respective insurance companies. The county provided the displaced tenants with contact information for NJEDA to determine what assistance can be provided. We hope the state can provide temporary assistance to these displaced tents.

5. The construction department was in constant contact with the contractor at 31 W Front Street. A building department meeting was held the day after the incident and was attended by 31 West Front Street, the landlord of 29 West Front Street, and the landlord/business owner of 33 West Front Street. They discussed it. It was agreed that the developer/owner of 31 West Front Street would have an engineering report prepared for the properties. The day after the event, a technician was on site. That report concluded that there was no immediate danger and work could continue at 31 West Front Street. Additional Thoughts:

The district engineer and district UCC officer were on site Wednesday morning and did not find any immediate danger at the site.

The district has been informed that the adjacent property owner is having the property examined by a forensic engineer. This report will be published shortly.

The District will seek to recover any additional costs from the developer incurred in responding to this matter.

The Mayor and Council share the concerns and frustrations of the businesses impacted by this project and hope that they will be addressed as quickly as possible.

The District is utilizing all public resources at its disposal to ensure that public safety remains the priority of this project.