
Shen’s Gordon, coach by day, opera singer by night

Shen’s Gordon, coach by day, opera singer by night

When Savannah Gordon was a pitcher at Shenendehowa, it was the community environment that made her fall in love with athletics.

“Even though it’s an individual team sport, that’s how I like to think of it…you accumulate points as a team,” Gordon said. “But in terms of competition, you’re just competing against yourself.”

This is what pushed her to return to coach Shen’s girls. Gordon is currently in his fourth season as pitching guide.

“I just wanted to come back and do something,” she said. “And what better thing to do than just practice and get back to throwing?

The lessons of competition and resilience have also helped her in her other profession.

“I’m an opera singer at the Metropolitan Opera in New York,” Gordon said.

Several days a week, Gordon travels to the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, rehearsing and presenting shows.

“The only term I use is fever dream,” she said. “It doesn’t seem real. And yet, I’ve been working there for almost three months, and some days… I can’t believe this is my life.”

It’s a feat more than a decade in the making. After graduating from Shen in 2011, Gordon continued his education in music with a bachelor’s degree from UAlbany and then a master’s degree from Ohio University.

“It’s a very difficult area to break into. And, I mean, I did track and field, so I obviously love competing,” Gordon said.

Along the way, she auditioned extensively, earning opportunities at Harlem Opera Theater and Moon River Opera. Gordon even performed the national anthem at the governor’s inauguration last year.

“Then it was just audition season last fall, and I was constantly applying and auditioning,” she said. “And here I am at the Met.”