
Will a new farm animal concern law reduce attacks?

Will a new farm animal concern law reduce attacks?

  • By Ben Parker
  • BBC News, Suffolk

image source, Ben Parker/BBC

image description, “Livestock infestation,” which can include barking, chasing, biting and killing, is already illegal

Devastating dog attacks on farm animals are regularly reported across the UK and statistics suggest it is a growing problem. But is a new law likely to make a difference? We asked some of those on the front line in Suffolk.

MPs have backed plans to give police greater powers to prosecute dog owners for attacks and introduce tougher penalties for offenders.

image source, Ben Parker/BBC

image description, Shepherd Tilly Abbott says a major danger is pregnant sheep losing their lambs after being hunted

Tilly Abbott, a shepherdess near Ipswich, welcomes tougher laws and says dogs have attacked her sheep on several occasions.

“It can be absolutely devastating, it’s not just about the physical loss immediately, it can also be about the future loss when lambs are aborted or lambs are stillborn,” she said.

She urges dog owners to keep their pets on a leash when around farm animals.

“Realistically, you don’t know your dog because even though he’s pretty and cuddly at home, when his natural instincts kick in, he can be really quite vicious at times.”

image source, Suffolk Police

image description, Dog attacks can result in the death of livestock

The maximum fine is £1,000 in England and Wales and £40,000 in Scotland, but it can be difficult to catch offenders.

The new bill, introduced by Conservative MP for Suffolk Coastal Therese Coffey, would make it easier for police to seize dogs, search properties and collect dental samples.

Sgt Chris Green, from Suffolk Police’s rural crime unit, says a lack of CCTV can mean relying on eyewitnesses.

“We’ve had a lead before, for example because of DNA swabs, but it’s often a challenge for the police as a crime, just because of the crime scene,” he said.

image source, Martin Giles/BBC

image description, Part of the police’s work focuses on educating dog handlers about the dangers

Insurer NFU Mutual says livestock cost the farming industry £2.4m in 2023, up 30% on 2022.

Ella Thackray, adviser to the National Farmers Union in Suffolk County, is optimistic the new law will make a difference.

“A side effect of this bill is that it will hopefully raise awareness among the general public,” she said.

Some farmers have taken extra measures to prevent dogs from reaching their animals.

Two dogs attacked sheep at Hollow Trees Farm in Hadleigh, Suffolk, after escaping from a garden.

Farm manager Will Pratt said this had led to them tightening security: “We’ve started putting up more fencing, with permanent fencing and proper livestock netting.”

“And we also reiterated our rule that we are a no-dog location.”

image source, Ben Parker/BBC

image description, Will Pratt hopes greater awareness will help reduce the number of incidents

The bill to amend the Dog Act to protect farm animals is currently being discussed in Parliament.

With government support, the law is likely to be passed and could come into force in early 2025.

Former environment secretary Therese Coffey previously told the House of Commons: “Concerns about livestock farming are of great concern to farmers and rural communities and place great burdens and costs on animals and farmers.”

“We want an effective deterrent against this kind of damage to livestock. I believe this bill will achieve that.”