
Rockets and drones: How Hezbollah is preparing for a declaration of war

Rockets and drones: How Hezbollah is preparing for a declaration of war

After the Israeli military announced that it had approved operational plans to attack Lebanon, Hezbollah quickly clarified that the Shiite terrorist organization was also preparing for the possibility that Israel could declare war on the Cedar State, as the Lebanese newspaper Elnashra.

According to the report, if Israel escalates the fighting, Hezbollah plans to attack Haifa and, in the next step, other cities, including Tel Aviv.

“It is no coincidence that Haifa has been included in the war currently raging in southern Lebanon,” the Lebanese media outlet explained. “This city has been marked by Hezbollah as a target in case the war escalates. If the Israelis enter into large-scale military clashes in the area south and north of Litani, Haifa will be a legitimate target for Hezbollah.”

Aside from that, Elnashra also referred to the documentation of targets in the port area of ​​Haifa by a Dukhifat UAV.

Tit for tat

“Strategic, military and civilian facilities were scanned, continuing Hezbollah’s equation that destruction will be answered with destruction and civilian casualties with civilian casualties,” Elnashra wrote.

“The drone also scanned a Rafael military-industrial facility, which is the most dangerous thing in the video for the Israelis.”

An oil plant fire in the port of Haifa (Source: ILAN MILSTER – MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT)

Sources quoted in the newspaper warned Israel that Hezbollah has precision missiles that can hit those targets. “The footage was proof to the Israelis that Hezbollah has a database of strategic Israeli targets,” the sources said, adding: “This was not the first visit by the drone and it will not be the last. It suggests that Hezbollah has eyes inside Israel, which worries the Israelis.”

The sources cited in Elnashra presented a possible scenario for the first days of the war, in which Haifa and Tel Aviv would be attacked.

“If Israel decides to expand the war in the south or launch a major military operation in the south, Hezbollah will respond, depending on the level of escalation, by attacking the vital area in Haifa with conventional missiles. To distract the defense systems, the organization will simultaneously attack targets associated with the Iron Dome and David’s Sling.

Israel’s air defenses will be exposed to direct hits, as has happened before. In the next phase, Hezbollah will fire dozens of precision missiles with large warheads at specific targets in and around Haifa port. The sources claimed that Israel has never experienced such a scenario and understands that it will face it if it decides to enter a large-scale war.