
New update shows incredibly bright future for the Houston Astros

New update shows incredibly bright future for the Houston Astros

Even though the 2024 MLB season has been frustrating at times for the Houston Astros, there is still hope.

At 33-39, the Astros still find themselves within reach of the AL Wild Card race.

It seems unlikely that Houston will be able to make the playoffs at the moment, but things could still change. With some players returning from injury and the MLB trade deadline approaching, a lot of things could happen that could help the Astros get back into contention.

No matter how the 2024 season plays out this year at the Major League level, there is still one positive to be excited about.

A new update from Astros Future on X, shared some major advancements from young minor league talent.

The post noted that four draft picks from the 2023 class alone reached Double-A. These players are Brice Matthews, Jake Bloss, Jeron Williams and Pascanel Ferreras.

Being able to hit so well in just one draft class is not easy to do.

Dana Brown and the front office nailed the draft last year and they’re already seeing the results of their hard scouting work.

All four players offer extremely high potential. At the rate they are progressing through the farm system, they could be just a few years away from major league baseball.

Obviously, the rate of progression in the minor leagues comes and goes. They came this fast, but it might slow down as they continue to grow.

Regardless, the Astros should be excited about these developments.

It might not be this year or next, but a new wave of talent is coming in the near future.