
Buffalo City Council approves restaurant liquor license application – Sheridan Media

Buffalo City Council approves restaurant liquor license application – Sheridan Media

At its last regular meeting, the Buffalo City Council considered an application for a restaurant liquor license from Rosie’s Americana Cafe, located downtown.

The Council held a public hearing on this matter and no public comments were made.

After adjourning the hearing, the board reconvened the regular meeting and voted to approve the application of J Johnso Corp d/b/a Rosie’s Americana Cafe.

Building inspector Terry Asay also reported that work on the mural on the side of the Margo’s Pottery building has begun, with artists Aaron and Jenny Weurker and Marchel Kelley making the repairs.

The council approved the repairs in an amount not to exceed $9,345.

Repairs to the mural have since been completed.