
Officials announce plans to reshape Diocese of Buffalo

Officials announce plans to reshape Diocese of Buffalo

Diocese of Buffalo officials announced plans Tuesday to merge about 34% of Western New York’s 160 parishes and reduce worship centers by 38%.

Bishop Michael Fisher attributed the plans to financial pressures caused by filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2020 after more than 250 lawsuits were filed under the Child Victims Act, a shortage of priests, to the aging of congregations and the decline in mass attendance.

The consolidation would increase the number of parishes from 160 to a planned 106, and the number of worship centers from 196 to a planned 121.

“Today’s reality continues to change,” Fisher said. “We continue to work on our Chapter 11 reorganization and we need to take a closer look at how we restructure and resize the diocese here in Buffalo in light of a shrinking population, changing demographics and fewer resources . Our Catholic footprint is not what it used to be.”

The diocese says the official number of merged parishes will not be decided until church leaders review all proposals. A decision is expected to be made between August 15 and September 1. Parishes with and without schools will be evaluated.