
GoFundMe campaign organized for Kim Choma – SVI-NEWS

GoFundMe campaign organized for Kim Choma – SVI-NEWS

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GoFundMe campaign organized for Kim Choma – SVI-NEWS
Kim Choma (front center) recently met with some of the coaches she worked with as equipment manager for Star Valley. From left to right: Paul Kabonic, McKay Found, Tennyson Draney, Tyrel Clove, Aaron Lancaster and Tyson Balls. PHOTO PROVIDED BY STAR VALLEY FOOTBALL

• Local man seriously injured in rollover accident

On August 15, Kim Choma was driving home on US 89 through the Auburn-Thayne narrows when she was involved in a serious rollover accident. According to the Wyoming Highway Patrol, the crash scene stretched for several hundred feet. The University of Wyoming student, who lives in Etna, suffered serious injuries, including a ruptured liver and facial injuries. Due to the timing and location of the accident, Choma was not seen for five to six hours, officials said.


Choma underwent extensive reconstructive surgery on her jaw as well as other medical care, and her friends have set up a GoFundMe account to help with medical bills. There is also a Venmo at Kimberly Choma Benefit as well as an account at Bank of Star Valley under the name Kimberly Choma Benefit.


Amber Titensor, the organizer of the campaign, gave an update on Kim’s condition.

“It has been almost two weeks since Kimberly’s accident. She continues to recover at home and I am happy to report that she is making good progress.

“Her upper jaw could not be repaired during surgery. She has been consulted with an orthodontist to determine the best treatment. The orthodontist will have to wait to treat her until her jaw is better healed and less mobile. She will eventually need to wear braces with bands for both her upper and lower jaws for many months to repair the damage. She is also awaiting a follow-up visit with the ENT surgeon and a consultation with a speech therapist. Kimberly’s response to me a few days ago when I asked her how she was feeling was, ‘Great pain, but ready to get through it today.’

“This girl is tough.”

Choma has served as equipment manager for the University of Wyoming for the past two seasons after taking on those duties for the SVHS football team. The team recently dedicated its annual lift-a-thon to her recovery efforts.

Currently, the GoFundMe account has raised $10,975 of the $20,000 goal.

Titensor’s update continued, “She is waiting to be evaluated by a concussion specialist so she can make realistic decisions about returning to school. She may have mentioned that she is starting to go a little crazy! She was able to get out a little bit. She enjoyed a friend’s wedding and met the SVHS football coaches.”

“Please keep Kimberly in your thoughts and pray for her as she continues to recover.

She and her family are aware of the many miracles of the past few weeks and are grateful for her healing and progress. They have also expressed their deep gratitude and appreciation for the love and support that has been shown to Kimberly and her family.”

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