
Police officer guilty of sexually assaulting a woman during a night out in Shrewsbury

Police officer guilty of sexually assaulting a woman during a night out in Shrewsbury

A jury at Worcester Crown Court deliberated for three days before finding 30-year-old Liam Smith, of Lancer Road, Shrewsbury, guilty of one count of sexual assault.

The court heard how he assaulted the woman, who cannot be named for legal reasons, by sexually touching her over her clothing during her leisure time and a night-time outing in Shrewsbury in September 2022.

He was found not guilty on another count of sexual assault and the jury was unable to reach a verdict on a third count; both counts related to the same evening.

Assistant Chief Constable Richard Cooper said: “I would like to thank the victim for coming forward. I am pleased that the allegations were reported to us so we could take action.”

“As this case shows, we will pursue perpetrators regardless of who they are.

“Sexual assault in any form is not okay. The fact that Smith was an active officer at the time of the assault makes his crime all the more reprehensible.”

“We expect the highest standards of conduct from our officers both on and off duty, and when those standards are violated, we act quickly.”

“Smith was suspended as soon as the allegations came to light and retired from the police force on December 3, 2023.

“Although he has already left the police force, he will face charges of misconduct once the criminal proceedings are concluded.”

Smith will be sentenced at Worcester Crown Court on July 18.