
DiPietro and Martin tout different personalities in GOP primaries

DiPietro and Martin tout different personalities in GOP primaries

ERIE COUNTY, N.Y. — The two Republican candidates in the primary for New York’s 147th Assembly District have similar political ideologies, but say they are very different people.

Incumbent David DiPietro said he works across the aisle when necessary, but is not afraid to voice his opposition to the Democratic majority.

“I have been called the conscience of the Assembly by our leaders and I am very proud of it. I am very touched by it, but there are a few of us who will lead the fight to the end, on the field, because we never compromise,” DiPietro said.

Opponent Mitch Martin said DiPietro’s antagonistic nature is not the way to get things done in the state Legislature.

“We should work together. Republicans, Democrats, we’re all Americans and it’s about building relationships and I think I have, in the past, proven that I have built relationships across all party affiliations.” Martin said.

Martin is currently the chief of the Erie County Sheriff’s Office, and behind the scenes, he has been a fixture at the local party for years. He worked for current Sen. Pat Gallivan and former U.S. Rep. Chris Jacobs and said many local leaders support him.

“I have all these supervisors and mayors supporting me, and the Erie County Sheriff, and you have to ask yourself, why are they supporting me over him? Because I get things done,” he said. he declares.

DiPietro is a retired dry cleaning business owner, former mayor of East Aurora and is seeking his seventh term in the Assembly. He said he represented citizens at the local level.

“I went out and met with the people and I think that’s what they want. They want to know that their representatives represent them,” DiPietro said.

Both agree on the most important issues in this election.

“We need more enforcement and also to restore all the Second Amendment rights that have been taken away and at least stay the course,” Morse said.

DiPietro said he took the step in support of gun rights.

“I’ve held over 100 public meetings,” he said. “I’ve been traveling the state on the Second Amendment. I’m suing the governor. This is my bill to repeal the SAFE Act.”

Martin said DiPietro has strongly supported term limits in the past, but has been in office for more than a decade. DiPietro said he believes in term limits, but won’t step down until the same rules apply to others.

He pointed out that Martin’s former boss, Pat Gallivan, had been in the Legislature longer than him.