
You have to see this replica of Dex’s Diner from Attack of the Clones

You have to see this replica of Dex’s Diner from Attack of the Clones

Image for the article titled

Picture: Centerpoint Studios

Lots of strange things happens in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clonesand Obi-Wan gets a clue in a 1950s-style diner that resembles one of the strangest war of stars Creatures of all time is at the top of the list. Dex and his diner are an incredibly unique piece from war of stars Tradition So it is an unforgettable sight to see it recreated in reality.

San Diego resident Elliot Garnett works under the name Centerpoint Studios (see his great Instagram And Linktree at these links), however, did just that. “Even from a young age, I’ve always loved mixing genres,” Garnett told io9. “Taking bits and pieces from one aesthetic and fusing them with another to create an entirely new work. That’s what led me to build Dex’s Diner, even though it only had about three minutes of screen time. The overarching ’50s feel of the diner with sci-fi elements woven in made for a fun but challenging work.”

Garnett worked for two years to meticulously recreate Dex’s using a mix of foam core, styrene board and silicone drawer liner. “Especially early on in the construction, this was the most daring project I’d ever undertaken, so the building process was largely trial and error,” he said. “I must have used over half a dozen types of glue to accommodate the different materials, from superglue to wood glue. If it’s dumb and it works, it’s not dumb.”

That’s Dex’s in a nutshell, so grab a glass of Jawa juice and enjoy this slideshow of images from this incredible diorama. And if you want to see it in person, Garnett will have it on display at San Diego Comic-Con next month at booth 531!