
As Houston struggles to recover, severe heat threatens Texas

As Houston struggles to recover, severe heat threatens Texas

The week is off to a relatively mild start, with most of Houston hovering around 80 degrees this morning. It will be a typically sunny and warm day, “but
we’ll have at least a southerly breeze to work with,” meteorologists with the National Weather Service in Galveston said in their forecaster’s note. “We’re still going to see temperatures peak in the low 90s, but the 90s with a breeze seems It’s much better than the low 90s with no wind. » Heat index values ​​will still be in the upper 90s, however.

But things will change tomorrow. “This land flow will come back to haunt us tomorrow with increasing humidity leading to even higher heat index values.” We get even windier Tuesday, with southeast winds around 15 mph throughout the day, the NWS said. No rain is forecast.

High temperatures today will reach 92 degrees, meteorologists predict, but they will appear to be in the triple digits thanks to additional tropical-like humidity. Southeast Texas has experienced bouts of torrential rain in recent weeks, leading to flash flooding and lingering high levels of humidity in the air.

According to the NWS, “heat index values ​​should be between 99 and 103 F, so thermal safety should remain a top priority. Be sure to drink plenty of water, take frequent breaks, avoid strenuous outdoor activities during the hottest period. of the day, know the signs of heat stroke/heat exhaustion and ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS look before you lock your vehicle,” the weather service warned. “Don’t forget your pets, too! If the ground is too hot for the palm of your hand, then it’s too hot for their paws.”

The NWS said there were indications in a few of the latest models “that we may need to keep an eye out for possible shower/storm development starting mid-week and into the weekend.” end”.

The main concern, however, remains the heat. “High temperatures will be in the 90s and heat index values ​​will generally be between 95 and 105 (and possibly approaching the heat advisory values ​​Monday… a week from today),” the NWS said. Some relief will come overnight as morning lows by the end of the week, and especially over the weekend, will range from lows in the mid 70s in the north to the upper 70s until around 80 in the center and south.