
CNY Regional Market Executive Director’s Term Ends

CNY Regional Market Executive Director’s Term Ends

Following a scathing audit by the New York State Comptroller’s office that alleged mismanagement at the CNY Regional Market, the market’s board of directors voted Monday to terminate the employment contract of Executive Director Amanda Vitale.

“I am absolutely astounded by the lack of professionalism I have witnessed on the board over the last several months. I have never seen a group of adults running an organization behave in the manner that I have seen,” Vitale said at the public meeting.

Vitale, who was hired to succeed her father Ben Vitale in January 2020, said she felt like many people knew about her firing before the meeting.

“Somehow I found out from vendors, tenants and employees that I was going to be laid off and there was actually a replacement in line,” she said at the meeting.

Vitale declined to comment on his dismissal.

Tony Emmi, chairman of the board of directors of the Chinese New Year Regional Market, read aloud the board’s decision regarding his termination. All but one board member, Randy Daratt of Cayuga County, voted in favor of his termination.

According to the board meeting record posted on the market’s website, facilities director Greg Frigon submitted his resignation letter effective June 28, citing a lack of value to board staff.

“I have seen how you have pushed for wage and benefit cuts for our already understaffed staff, who are forced to cope with increasingly difficult working conditions and a significant lack of resources,” the letter reads.

Vicki Griffith, a former market tenant and owner of Buda’s Meat and Produce Market, which closed in 2022 after the market requested a rent increase, attended the public meeting.

“This is long overdue. The level of vitriol and corruption over the last decade is staggering. On one level, it’s justice. To me, it’s just long overdue,” Griffith said.

In addition to terminating Vitale’s contract, the board voted to create a new executive director position, which will oversee the incoming executive director. The board voted to appoint former Onondaga County deputy executive director Bill Fisher.

“It will also be decided that the general manager will receive a salary of $1,124.40 per week,” Emmi read aloud at the meeting.

Vitale’s total salary will be $58,468.80 per year. Vitale earned an annual salary of $106,000, according to documents from the nominating and personnel committee meeting held on July 6, 2023.